Towards New Worlds is a large-scale exhibition which explores a rich variety of human perceptions and sensory experiences by connecting art and the external environments
19 July 2024 – 16 February 2025
Middlesbrough Institute
of Modern Art (MIMA)
Centre Square
TS1 2AZ Middlesbrough
Helen Welford
Aidan Moesby

The Other Shore
This crossdiciplinary research project commissioned by the Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art explores the geo-history of the Tyśmienica Valley and Tees Valley and their relationship with Zechstein Sea.
March – July 2024
Helen Welford
Aidan Moesby
Producers: MIMA
Helen Welford
Danni Ash

The Philosophy Festival
I had the great pleasure and privilege to participate in last year’s edition of the Philosophy Festival. In a short essay published in the post-festival book, I write about my Holding Patterns photography series, which I realised in a deep connection with Rosi Braidotti’s philosophical concept of affirmative ethics.
Antoni Torzewski
Filip Szawski
2nd Philosophy Festival. Essays and Reflections | II Festiwal Filozofii. Eseje i Rozważania, Fundacja Koherencje, Bydgoszcz 2024
Organised at the Slade School of Fine Art and Institute of Advanced Sudies UCL/London, „Artist. (dis)Ablity. Academia” is a pioneering event, tackling critical questions about the working, researching, and studying conditions and accessibility for artists with disabilities and chronic illnesses in higher education sector.
Dr Magda Szarota
Aidan Moesby
Ashokkumar D Mistry
11 June 2024
Organisation and Moderation:
Małgorzata Dawidek
Seungjoo Bae
Aude Bray-Deperne
Małgorzata Dawidek
Fabienne Decornet
Valérie Moreau
Shuyao Z.
11 – 19 April 2024
Bureau Des Arts EDHEC
24 Av. Gustave Delory
59100 Lille-Roubaix
Nora Grasser
I am pleased to share that several of my works from the 'Diagnoses and Reconstructions’ series are on display at the York Art Gallery until 21 April 2024. They have been longlisted for the Aesthetica Art Prize 2024 in the Mixed Media category.
The show is accompanied by the Future Now Symposium (15-16 February 2024) organised at Yorkshire Museum.
15 February – 21 April 2024
York Art Gallery
Exhibition Square
YO1 7EW York, UK
I am thrilled that my work from the 'Holding Patterns’ series has been awarded the Coherence Foundation Prize. The award was presented during the Festival of Philosophy at the Rother’s Mills Science and Culture Centre in Bydgoszcz in Poland.
24 Novemver 2023
Centrum Nauki i Kultury
Festiwal Filozofii
Młyny Rothera
Mennica 10,
85-112 Bydgoszcz, PL
I am delighted to present my research exploring the relationship between art and Social Studies, during the upcoming Artwise Symposium.
'Narratives of intimacy: Remarks on the relationship between social research and artistic practice’.
19 June 2023 | 11.00 am
School of Social and Political Studies
University of Glasgow
St Andrew’s Building, Room 227
11 Eldon St Glasgow G3 6NH
Joanna Adamczewska
Małgorzata Dawidek
Zofia Urbanek
The exhibition investigates the relationship between plastics and art of words. It guides the viewer towards plasticity and adaptability, highlighting materials that form a mesh of semantic and polymeric connections, as well as the contrasts and universality of plastics alongside the niche of poetry.
5 – 8 June 2023
AT Gallery
ul. Solna 4
61–735 Poznań
I am delighted to present my research during the Presence of Anxiety | Obecność lęku, a conference organised by the Department of Philosophical Research on Culture at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. I will I talked about my works in the context of soothing, disability studies, feminist art and my concept of Affective Artistic Practice.
24-25 November 2022
Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Katedra Badań Filozoficznych nad Kulturą | Wydział Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej
ul. Prof. Stanisława Łojasiewicza 4
30-348 Kraków
Video presentation:
A Net of Emotions
17-18 October 2022
Pałac Potockich
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, Kraków
Paper presentation:
'A Tender Illness Narrative or/and the art of resistance.
18 October 2022 |14:00-15.30
Panel 6 | Tender Philosophy
Sala Senacka, Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie, ul. Gustawa Helinga-Grudzińskiego 1, Budynek A
I am thrilled to have been awarded the Hastings Open 2022 Prize. As part of the award, I received an artistic residency at Hastings Museum and a solo exhibition at the blackShed gallery next year.
The show runs from 1 October 2022 – 29 January 2023.
Hastings Museum and Art Gallery
John’s Place
Bohemia Road
Hastings TN34 1ET